#RRBC Congratulations, Matthew Armstrong! It’s Your Day!

Good Morning Rave Reviews Book Club and Twitterville, in general! It’s Pay It Forward Week at RRBC and time to discover, meet, and/or revisit another talented author, Matthew Armstrong.

Matthew Pic

According to his bio, Matthew Armstrong comes from Irish descent, attending the same grammar school as Oscar Wilde — but only for a short while, as he was expelled for speaking his mind and not conforming.

Perhaps that expulsion speaks volumes for the kind of blogger, writer, author, THINKER he would become. It seems that Matthew has discovered the secret to living his best life and he wants to share that secret with us.

You can visit him on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BeYourPotential or at his website http://buildingabrandonline.com/beyourpotential/ where he shares how to ‘be your own potential’!

A few years ago, Matthew Armstrong authored the phenomenal, cutting edge, self help book, “You Will Be Thin and Feel Great”!

Be Thin PicSynopsis

“You Will Be Thin and Feel Great” is a ground-breaking book for people who want to achieve their desired physical appearance and emotional state. It covers everything a person needs to know to totally transform themselves, and lead a life filled with joy, happiness and love. When you read this book, you really will get much more than you bargained for, literally. It includes a free exclusive members website, http://buildingabrandonline.com/beyourpotential/, which contains audios and videos from your author to greatly assist you on your journey. Once you complete this transformational reading process you will never need to read anything else again on the subject of weight loss. It’s all in here!

Sex God Pic


Matthew Armstrong’s second book, “Sex God: An erotic adventure of self discovery” has received 5 stars and is his first published novel.


Unfulfilled in his marriage and life, Alex Sterling makes an indecent proposal to his wife, Angela, which sets them off on an erotic adventure of self-discovery, revealing dark and repressed parts of themselves. On the verge of losing everything that is most important to him, Alex is a man in early life crisis, playing a high-stakes game and going to extreme measures to save what he values most. Is he going through a mental breakdown or is this some sort of spiritual transformation? He has no idea as his grasp on reality crumbles and all his worst fears are inevitably realized.

“Sex God” sells at Amazon for $4.99  http://www.amazon.com/Sex-God-erotic-adventure-discovery-ebook/dp/B00V4BJ1V8/ref=la_B003VNA97C_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1447685063&sr=1-1

It’s always an honor to promote and support all of the fine authors, bloggers, and writers of Rave Reviews Book Club. Congratulations, Matthew! It’s your day!


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Educator, Author, Blogger, and supporter of Independent Writers. One mystery novel, The Neon Houses, http://amzn.to/2kSqdPX. Find me on Twitter @boom_lyn.

2 thoughts on “#RRBC Congratulations, Matthew Armstrong! It’s Your Day!

  1. Always fun visiting with you Linda – and you’ve done Matthew proud today! 😀
    Sex God’s going in my TBR – am soooooo bored with grey stuff 😉

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