Blogs Are a Display Case for Our Work

All Indie authors struggle with the vicious cycle of writing, publishing, marketing, blogging, tweeting, and starting the cycle all over again. The struggle doesn’t end unless you want to write one book, get it out of your system, and be done. For those of us who enjoy the craft, we must continue the cycle and that definitely means we must Blog!

Maybe traditionally published writers don’t need to blog. Perhaps famous indie authors don’t need to blog, but for those of us Indies who are interested in making a name for ourselves, and who are looking for a way to display our writing talents, our blog is where our readers (and other writers) should flock. Blogs are a display case for our work. What do you want to display?

I’ve been reading a lot of authors’ blogs over the past year and many have created a nice niche. One such specialty is the informational or writing support blog. This type of blog is especially beneficial if the author is capable of illustrating, in detail, something that has been plaguing my writing, publishing, or marketing.

The trick in getting me to stop and read an informational post is to feature a headline that says you will make my writing better in less than six easy steps. Six is usually as many steps as my mind will tolerate. If not that, then your name should be Nicholas Rossis, Kim Cox, or Chris The Story Reading Ape. These authors not only have the answers, but they provide step-by-step instructions or share data analyses that support their suggestions.

Others times, I like to read creative writing blogs by writers like Didi Oviatt and her collaborating partner, Kim Knight. John Fioravante, and Nonnie Jules are also favorites. Each of these bloggers seem to have found their authentic selves.

John Fioravanti blogs about historical dates and events. He also has a page dedicated to famous world figures who have inspired him and made a difference in how he chooses to write.

Nonnie Jules blogs about life, lifestyles, and her impressions of the world. She is concerned with our standards of living as we strive to coexist on this planet we all share. Her purpose appears, at times, to remind us of what the world can be if we just behave like civil human beings.

I look forward to Didi Oviatt and Kim­­­­­­­­ Knight’s unique blogging style that encourages reader participation. We readers help to select a title. Then, the two of them, anonymously, collaborate together on the story. One of them will begin a tale and the other will end it. The reader doesn’t know who is writing which. The results are often wild, crazy and g-o-o-d! It’s a fun blog for me to spend time with.

Between and among all of the blogs that I read and follow, and in the face of so much information from these wonderful sources, I sometimes wonder should I even blog at all? And if so, should I share information to help the community grow or should I keep the community inspired and uplifted?

I’d love to be the storytelling blogger, or the lifestyle blogger, but my authentic self knows that the information blogger is a part of me, too. Alas, must I keep two or three different blogs for two or three different purposes? (I have a second blog that, frankly, I’m ignoring at the moment).

When I have the time and am patient enough to document what I’m doing, I can be the perfect research blogger, and that does happen, sometimes.

In order to succeed at being the research blogger, I must remember that when I need to know how to do something, my readers probably need to know it, too; and if and when I come up with a solution, I should blog about it. Usually though, by the time I’ve gotten to the answer, or stumbled upon a solution, I can’t remember all the steps that got me there.

So, today I’m sitting here listening to the rain storm that’s feeding my thirsty, dying garden and trying to write this blog.

I see a correlation between the rain and my problem (I’m stretching it. I know!). If the vegetable garden dies, I still have ice cream, and ice cream is like a pretty story that’s so easy to tell. The garden I must turn over, till, dig, plant, weed, and water. It’s a conundrum! Kind of like a vicious circle.

Alas, blogs are a display case for our work! Bear with me as I try to figure out if I can eat ice cream, lounge around, and be a world-class author and blogger.




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Educator, Author, Blogger, and supporter of Independent Writers. One mystery novel, The Neon Houses, Find me on Twitter @boom_lyn.

34 thoughts on “Blogs Are a Display Case for Our Work

  1. Even traditionally published writers are expected to have a strong blog/social media presence, Linda. It’s part of marketing that we better find a way to enjoy and make use of if we want to support our writing habit. Lol. I love the way you take about finding our niche (our blogging happy place). And the examples you gave are great. Happy Blogging and most of all, Happy Writing!

  2. Hi Linda, you’re so right that blogs showcase our talents so there needs to be a good focus to it 🙂 I like Didi and John’s writing too xx

    1. Hi Christy! Thanks for leaving a comment. I wanted to give a shout-out to a few bloggers who have a focus, but there are many more that I happily follow!

  3. I have been blogging for over two years now, and some days I hate it. It makes me doubt myself as a writer and finding great content stretches me to the limit. Despite all of this, I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to!

    1. True! If I were smart, I’d write a bunch of posts and have them stored up, but something else always pulls me away. Thanks for giving me some of your busy time today!

  4. Great blog , Linda. I am like you in that I never know what to blog about and using it for promo can annoy people after a while. I read successful blogs should stick to a topic but that never works for me. So I put reviews up, mine and the ones I do for others and run my short writing pieces. I really don’t like to blog but it is a necessary evil. I’m thinking of trying to use the blog as a journal of sorts—- my take on life. Thanks for giving me food for thought.

    1. Thank you, Micki! I should be sleeping but I was still up deciding if I’d blog tomorrow and if so, what. I’m thinking about adding a book review or author promo day, too. Glad you left a comment

  5. Great blog and point. Our blogs should show who we are or what we can offer. I have often thought I should start another blog so I can re-blog, but that might be a blog within itself! I have several blogs, I look forward, too and a couple are on your list. It is hard to decided if we want to grow an garden or eat ice cream:)

  6. I enjoyed reading this, Linda, Thank you. I don’t see blogging, or use blogging as you do.There was a time I blogged on a daily basis, about one particular issue. It was a time I knew I had to speak up, and I did. However, nothing came out of it. So, I walked away from that scene. I need to create me another scene so that I can blog again. 😀

  7. Linda, you have encapsulated beautifully what we as bloggers hope to achieve. The complex and all encompassing world we enter, when, we as writers attempt to both inform and entertain our readers, present their own unique challenges. I believe we have an obligation to our readers, You have met that obligation with your customary warmth. Bravo, my friend. Well said.

  8. I loved reading this blog, Linda. You are absolutely right, blogs are a display case for our work – and as such, they offer an invaluable glimpse into the soul of the writer. 🙂

  9. Linda, I think I’ve told you…this is becoming one of my TOP FAVORITE BLOGS! Yes, I thank you for the personal love shown, but what I thank you for most…is this well-written, beautiful piece! You are such a talent! Keep growing!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kim. I love also John Howell’s Views of The Neighborhood from Port Aransas and his Writing Prompts! You’re right. He’s amazing!

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